Agenda: "Inspection" Subgroup of Credible Web CG (04 June 2018 1605 UTC)
See how to connect but time is 1 hours earlier than usual meeting
- Admin
- Chair: An Xiao Mina
- Scribe: (next in semi-random rotation), instructions at scribing
- Approval of minutes: 4 June
- Intros if necessary
- Review: What makes a good indicator?
- Measurability (inter-rater reliability, speed, minimal training)
- Accuracy (connection to expert consensus)
- Security (resistance to gaming, risks)
- Review: Subject area limitation
- Begin with Science Reporting
- Promising indicators from
- specific focus on advertising and revenue model-related indicators, assessing what makes them promising (and if we agree), with an eye toward how CredCo should do the next round of the study.
- Next steps