Agenda: Credible Web CG (11 July 2018 1705 UTC)
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- Admin
- Chair: Sandro Hawke
- Pick scribe and/or record meeting. scribing
- Approval of minutes, if available
- Agenda ideas for today
- Intros with icebreaker question
- Event Reports
- CredCo planning (NYC, 9 July)
- ...
- Calendar
- July F2F meeting in San Francisco Register/Regrets
- CG+SubGroup Meetings in upcoming weeks
- Consider Misinfocon DC, Aug 6-7. Interesting overlap with AEJMC
- October F2F at TPAC
- ...? (see related events)
- Discussion: MisinfoMap organization of landscape-of-projects
- Brainstorm: topics, formats, outcomes for F2F
- other TBD